Green Flex Edge 2020
Featured in the 2023 Big Sky Limited book and film, read the story behind it. Available for purchase.

The plan shape and fin configuration for this design were shaped featuring Greenough's Edge concept on the 12th and 13th of March 2016.

I called the board Green. Barry McGee and Ellis Ericson were in the room when I was finishing it. As Ellis also had experience with the Edge design I asked him to tune in the nose contours and for his opinion on fin placement. Barry painted some heads between the fins and also Mish and Ank on one of the fins.
I tested it and wrote about it extensively for the One Edge of A Dream film/book project: where my inspirations came from and what I was trying to achieve.
On The Edge of a Dream was Big Sky Limited's first production.
For me, Green was a revelation.
My friend Drew Montgomery fittingly broke Green at Greenmount. He also fixed it and I still ride it today.
Peter 'Mo' Moschogianis has glassed a handful of Greens. Custom orders I have shaped. One day, whilst he was looking at the design in his finish rack, he called me and said: "You can make that design better by putting flex behind the fins." He was right.

Green Flex Edge details

The flex construction of this surfboard was done in consultation with Mitchell Rae. This is the way Mitchell does it. It's definitely not as refined as Mitchell's flex tails, but Mo and I listened to his instructions and we did our best.
Michael Mackie, another Flex enthusiast, glued on the foam pad over the flex tail and foiled it up ready for surfing.
Larry Gephart hand-foiled the plywood fins, (replicas of the ones used in Green) and Barry McGee hand-painted them. Barry also hand-painted the Big Sky decal that appears on the deck.
I shaped it from a Farrelly Surfblanks blank featuring a 1/4 inch-paulownia wood stringer on 15 January 2020. Number 00168. I was listening to the sounds of MGMT's Moons Birds and Monsters. The Army Green pigment references the color of a Spoon Greenough made during his years living and surfing off the islands of Santa Barbara, an area frequented by the Great White Shark - Carcharodon carcharias. I agree with George's theory that Great White Sharks attack creatures with white bellies. I also believe it's a good idea to have dark surfboard bottoms, so as not to attract the attention of the White Pointer. The black is carbon fiberglass. 6 x 4 standard glass was used on the deck to minimize weight. The fins also have minimal glass on them to minimize weight. Originally the board was finished without a leash plug. Much to Barry McGee’s chagrin I had Mo put one in, mainly because of the inexperienced crowds at Greenmount.
Edge Flex tails are tricky and extremely expensive boards to construct and then to dial in. They take four times longer to build. But as George says, "There's no feeling like flex." He is right and I know Mitchell Rae and Mo both agree.

This board features in the Big Sky Limited film and book, released in 2023. It's a rider, not a wall hanger.
I'm selling this board because I want to build another one. It's not something I usually do. But I think I can make a better one.